This film could not have been made without the generous help of so many people.

Most importantly, thank you to everyone in the village for your patience, generosity, love and support. We are deeply grateful to you for welcoming us into your lives, both while we were filming and over the many years before this. This film is yours.


TO those in the film

Saraswati Devi, Dumuli Devi, Kunwar Singh, Kumari Munni.

All the Pandav dancers and musicians, ritual leaders, festival managers and technicians, cooks and everyone who worked so hard to make the Pandav Lila happen.

And those who helped

Makar Singh and Shakuntala Devi, Ramesh Singh and Guddi Devi, Guddi Farswan, Darshan Singh and Shanti Devi, Pradhan-ji Sulochena Devi, Sarpanch-ji Hayat Singh Panwar, Block Pramukh Karan Singh Negi, Mahila Mangal Dal Smt Swami Devi, Dinesh Negi.

And countless others in the village who have supported us.

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To those elsewhere

Craig Jeffrey, Souresh Roy, Ilan Wiesel, Nicholas Gerold, Rachel Hughes, Lesley Branagan, Candice Boyd, Ellen Reay.

Thanks to Shu Lee for developing the Lesson Plans

Thanks to those who translated subtitles: Louise Dorignon (French), Imogen Williams (Spanish), Febe De Geest (Dutch), Tegernsee Mountain Festival (German).

To our funders

We are grateful to the Australian Government for funding through an Australian Research Council Discovery Project grant (DP170104376, 2017-2019) conducted at the School of Geography, University of Melbourne.
